I was fortunate enough to have a two-day training event in TSI delivered earlier this year by Mike, who was extremely accommodating in customising the course to the needs of our service, and delivered some really useful, tangible approaches to encouraging independence in people of all ages and abilities. As we already work closely with trainees of all ages to support and nurture their own independence, it was especially gratifying to find a lot of our existing approaches complimented the ethos of TSI well, and nice to know that we were on the right track with a well-recognised and respected way of doing things. The idea of breaking things into small ‘chunks’ to make them instantly more achievable is a satisfying and comfortable way of fostering independence in people of any age, and something which ensures any one can approach a challenge, stay engaged and ultimately succeed with their endeavour; the demonstration Mike used for this was a fantastic way of getting this across and proved that even the most abstract concept can be done with your eyes closed if approached in such a methodical fashion.
Ultimately I would recommend TSI training to anyone / service who would be looking to encourage an approach towards independence in themselves or their service users. Mike has a great approach at delivery and is clearly both knowledgeable and passionate without ever making the content seem dry or convoluted.
Jon Hulme – Independent Travel Training Unit Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Below is a lovely testimonial from Potential Employers in the Fashion Industry who following TSI training are now employing people with learning disabilities, nice to see the positive outcome that TSI training can have.
We, Miles Dunphy and Elsa Ellies, are the Co-Founders of ONEBYME, a gender fluid, urban lifestyle brand based in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. We envision an inclusive world, where we unite as a community to empower individuals with learning disabilities with the skills, resources and practice to gain economic independence.
Our ability to engineer fashion products from ONE-Piece of material is the powerful tool that enables us to transfer critical life skills and employability training to individuals living with learning disabilities. As part of developing the ONELAB Fashion Training Programme, we had the privilege of receiving TSI training from Mike Petrie. In fact, the TSI methodology played an instrumental role during the design process of our innovative programme. The “Detailed Task Analysis” process forced us to think differently and ultimately design an effective training programme that delivers results. We have fully embraced the TSI methodology and as a result we are dissolving the very barriers that have traditionally held the learning disabled back.
Miles Dunphy and Elsa Ellies - Co-Founders of ONEBYME
“The staff found the TSI workshop really useful and have said that this was some of the best training that they have done. They commented that it made them reassess how they approached task based support session with the service user they are working with.
From a business point of view, this has really helped us with achieving the goals that we want to set out for Huddleston Way. When we opened the project in 2001 there were very few supported projects around. Over the years more supported living project have opened as this has been a beneficial method to providing support to vulnerable adults. We have been able to adapt our model so that we can assess individuals and train them using TSI, so that they are not A) dependent on services and B) continuing to be supported in high cost placements when they have the skills to live independently.“
Matthew Tylee - Registered Unit Manager - Bedford Borough Council
“The TSI training delivered by Mike Petrie has had a transformational impact on our service. The training has supported our staff to have a thorough understanding of the concept of TSI and how to use TSI has a model of in work support for people with learning disabilities.
Since commissioning Mike to regularly update staff training and train new staff members, our service has won national awards, in part because of our success in Job Coaching people with learning disabilities to sustain their jobs and develop their careers.
In addition to training staff, Mike has also successfully delivered TSI training to JET parent / carers and local employers.
The training for parents has supported the use of TSI in the home to maximise independent living skills and with employers it has supported greater confidence in recruiting people with learning disabilities and increased perception of the complexity of work tasks that people with learning disabilities are able to undertake.
Feedback from staff, parents and employers regarding Mike’s training sessions has been overwhelmingly positive and we would not hesitate to recommend Mike who is by far the best trainer we have used in this area.”
Graham Smithers - Head of Services - Tower Project Job Enterprise and Training Services
Mike was recommended as offering quality training at a realistic charge. The delegates were Learning support staff & lecturers from Kent special schools & colleges. Mike confidently addressed any challenge presented by delegates & took them on a journey to realise their own potential to work with people with learning disabilities in a new way. Mike clearly has extensive experience & competently managed both delegates & the trainers with learning difficulties during the ‘hands on’ training day.
We are intending to run further TS1 training for Kent college staff with Mike as our trainer. The following are evaluation comments from delegates:
Trainer knew his subject inside out and could refer theory to real situation that have happened
Very valuable getting the learners in and completing the training with them
Excellent task analysis breakdown for a school that uses this daily it made you realize that with a complete step by step analysis anything is possible
Excellent – very useful in all aspects of my college work, made me think about what I do, what I can change etc.
I found Mike to be friendly & flexible in his manner and style and look forward to his returning to deliver further training.
Jo Campbell - head of personal and work skills - east kent college
All the staff and I thoroughly enjoyed the training and feel that it has enabled us to review the current work we undertake in the work experience department at Bridge College. The training showed the advantages of sequencing a task and doing demonstrations for students prior to giving them the task to do independently. I believe the system you showed us will enable our students to work more independently and more effectively in their work placements. We will all be using the task analysis approach you showed us and the final data sheet will definitely be something we introduce.
I thought the sessions you led were very clearly presented to the group and your friendly manner helped the training to run quickly and smoothly. All staff commented on feeling comfortable to ask questions if they felt the need and I believe this is because of your personality.
I enjoyed getting to know more of the staff at David Lewis and as you mixed up the groups this was possible. Overall we are all very happy with the training and feel it has been extremely useful to all staff that attended from Bridge College.
Many thanks and the best of luck with your training in the future.
Annabel Fenning - Tutor - Bridge College
I am pleased to confirm we have employed Mike Petri on an independent advisor/ consultant basis to advise on and train Mental Health, 3rd Sector, Education and Day Services staff in Training in Systematic Instruction (TSI) and Travel Training methods and processes.
During the process Mike continually assessed, instructed and advised all the attendees and ourselves on all elements of the training and processes. Mikes enthusiasm and passion for the subjects enthused and inspired the attendees greatly and triggered independent thoughts and ideas and inspired the attendees to view all elements of their current roles with new energy and focus.
I would highly recommend Mike as a trainer and advisor and we have commissioned him to carry out further work for ourselves.
Mike Johnson - Disability Employment Adviser - Department of Economic Development
Being invited to join a Training in Systematic Instruction course alongside the staff who work with my son has benefited both of us.
The course enabled me to support my learning disabled, autistic, adult son more effectively by using learning to guide him without using verbal prompts which often distract, confuse and annoy him. This has enabled him to do more things for himself at home.
Learning how to break tasks down into small achievable steps is a key skill. I am so impressed with what my son has learnt to do at work and at home.
It sends a great message out when parents and carers are treated as equal partners in supporting our children and are given extra skills to do the job too
Ingrid Burdett - Parent / Carer
My name is Geoff Warner and I have been involved in Supported Employment since it was first introduced in the UK by Marc Gold and Associates in 1985. I am a Marc Gold trained trainer in Supported Employment/Systematic Instruction. I am the lead trainer with The Systematic Instruction Organisation and am currently working a project co-ordinator with an NGO in Melaka, Malaysia helping them set up a supported employment service.
I first met with Mike Petrie in the early 1990’s where he was a participant on a workshop I was presenting. I found Mike to be one of the rare people who shared the same values as myself and was a person totally dedicated to his work. Mike and I kept in touch sharing our experiences regarding Supported Employment. In 2000 I was working in Greece developing services and wanted a trainer to work with me for training events in the UK. I approached Mike and he readily agreed. Mike has been through a training the trainers programme with me and is now a qualified trained trainer in Supported Employment/Systematic Instruction.
Mike and I have co presented workshops together and I have seen him carry out workshops on his own. His knowledge of learning disabilities plus his own unique down to earth presentation skills makes him an excellent presenter. His value base is solid and he has many years experience in the field of learning disabilities. I have no hesitation in recommending Mike to carry out the training for your organisation. The training is accredited by the World Association for Supported Employment.