Inspirational Story, following a recent workshop!
APASEN are an East London based disability charity that provides a wide range of support services for disabled young people and adults with a strong focus on supporting disabled people from the Asian community.
As part of their service delivery, APASEN have worked closely with the Tower Project Job Enterprise and Training Services to support APASEN service users with learning disabilities to progress into work they have also introduced Supported Employment Champions within their staff team.
In July 2019, two employment champions from APASEN were invited to undertake TSI training at the Tower Project JET Service and during the final day of this training programme they put in practice what they learnt on the programme, using TSI to support adults with learning disabilities from local day services to complete a complex work-related task (putting together a bike brake).
The staff from APASEN were galvanised by the training programme and went back to their service determined to use what they learnt on the programme to support their service users to progress into work.
By the end of August, working in partnership with the Tower Project JET Service, the staff from APASEN have supported ten of their service users to progress into paid part time employment at the Casablanca Café in Whitechapel, these clients will be supported in work by staff from APASEN and the Tower Project who have all undertaken TSI Training delivered by Mike Petrie.
Employment outcomes like these have supported the employment levels of people with learning disabilities in Tower Hamlets to increase by 50% in the last 12 months. Tower Hamlets now has the highest level of employment growth for people with learning disabilities in London.